over the last 3 months iv had over 4 water infections, any idea what causes these? an why i keep having them iv been to the doctor and they are defenitly water infections.
Drink a lot of cranberry juice when getting them. Stress can also bring them on (I have no idea why but I know that it does with me). Also, if you are asthmatic keep an extra eye on yourself, kidney infections can spread to your chest and cause asthma attacks.
The quack should be able to give you some antibiotics but make sure you finish the course.
Ok.... Now you're confusing me! What is the link between sex and urine infections? You don't have sex in the erm same hole you urinate from... so I'm very confused.
You can get what's known as Honeymoon Cystitis - not an infection, but similar symptoms i.e. burning when you pee. It's when you've been a bit over vigorous and bruised the wall of the bladder.
A common cause of a urinary tract infection is a bug which is present in your faeces.
The best way to help stop it transmitting is to ensure you wipe from the front to your bottom after peeing.
Actually it's to do with... erm... the three holes. LOL! The bacteria is spread from the last one to the first one because of the use of the middle. That make sense? :oS