My favourite also involves a polar bear, but it's not for Coca-Cola. It was a very simple animated advert for Unison, the public service union.. A tiny ant is carrying a leaf when he finds his way blocked by a dozy looking polar bear. "Excuse me! Excuse me!" he squeaks in a tiny voice. Polar bear takes no notice, so ant goes back the way he came in.
Ant then returns with a friend. "Excuse me! Excuse me!" they squeak. Polar bear looks around him but can't see where the noise is coming from, so goes back to his chewing. Ants walk off again.
Hundreds of ants then march on to the screen. guessed it, UNISON (ho ho)...they yell "GET OUT OF THE WAY!!" causing polar bear to head for the horizon, leaving the way clear for the ants. Loses something just explaining it here, but it had me giggling like a loon every time I saw it.