Time again to match wits with Kate Mepham of the Daily Telegragh - to try and predict the four Link Words of this Week. The four words to be linked should be entered below by the first ABer to complete Saturdays Crossword and they will record their own predictions at the same time, as the first of many. The comptition will stay open until Monday when again the early riser who completes the Monday puzzle will post the answers at the end of this thread, the competition will close and yours truly will get to work with her abacus.
This week I'll delay opening the next thread until those words have been posted - I found scoring was done fairly quickly so I'll open the thread with the results.
As we have done previously there will be bonus points for everyone who correctly predicts each match first and who knows, this week someone may get the elusive 4 out of 4 - so thinking caps at the ready for tomorrow morning and Good Luck everyone cheers S
there have been some really good answers - now we have to wait and see what Kate thinks, or more specifically, HOW Kate thinks.
crofter I agree with Pauline, it's past your bedtime, you've been busy overseeing your two chicks all day, now off with you or we'll have Mrscrofter after us !!
Please share with us words from the Prophet Krophta any time, though - like the way he thinks S
I am late with my posting this weekend, and thank crofter for supplying the quick link to this site.
Here goes then (for another "Nil Pointe" ?), and chosen and written down before I came "on-site" :-
WEATHER Forecast
Lovely to see some late entries come in, I was wondering where a couple of familiar 'faces' had got to, and Alibobs - welcome to MM's twin sister - you seem to know the drill and you're doing just fine.
Tomorrow morning [Monday] the Link words will lodged on this site as soon as any of the early risers have solved the crossword and then I'll get busy.
As soon as I have the results I will open a new thread and post the scores accordingly - so seeya, S