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Lloyds Bank access to accounts?

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misto | 13:53 Wed 24th Jan 2007 | Personal Finance
4 Answers
Has anybody received what looks like a suspicious email request to supply their Bank Details, and how did you respond to it.


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Millions of people have. Apart from pump and dump shares and viagra it's probably the commonest form of spam e-mail.

You can forward it to Lloyds fraud department if you can be bothered, otherwise just delete it. Then empty your deleted mails box just to be safe.
You're lucky to just have had the one. They regularly crop up in my inbox, purportedly from one of Lloyds, HSBC, Cahoot, Abbey, Nationwide, PayPal or Barclays.
There tends to always be spelling or grammatical errors on these, therefore can be fairly easy to spot.

Just dont click on any links on the page!
if it's a lloyds bank account, they will always use your full name and the last 4 numbers from your bank account to identify themselves in all E-mails

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Lloyds Bank access to accounts?

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