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Litres and Tonnes

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Wrangler | 18:22 Mon 05th Feb 2007 | Science
3 Answers
Can anyone tell me how many litres of diesel there are in a tonne? I know it varies with conditions but a rule of thumb would be helpful!


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Robert Fogt gave this answer:

The result will vary, depending on the type of diesel and its temperature.

Diesel fuel oil 20 to 60 at 15�C has a density of 0.820 to 0.950 kg/L

I believe a good average value is Diesel oil 40 at 15�C with a density of 0.850 kg/L

1 metric ton = 1000 kg
1000 kg / 0.850 kg/L = 1176.47 litres x.php?t-71.html

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Thank you!
yes, i agree. 0.85 is a reasonable density to use, but if you want a referenced number from a reputable source, google Digest UK Energy Statistics (it's a DTI publication) and go to Annex A, there is a table of densities of loads of common fuels there.

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