Please, can someone tell me why the proposal is to teach britishness in English schools, but not in schools in Wales, Scotland and N. Ireland ? I, Really, do not understand. Thank you
I don't know the answer, but when completing any official form the Irish declare themselves to be Irish, the Scots Scottish and the Welsh, Welsh. The English declare themselves to be British.
I work all over the country and find that the majority of Irish, Scotts, and Welsh people are not interested in being British, so i now call myself English.
I think small-minded nationalism on any side stinks to high heaven. I'd expect Britishness to be taught across the British Isles. I'm Scottish & British.
the answer is down to devolution e.g. scotland and wales have different education systems and are controlled by a separate educational authority hence they have a slightly different curriculum - this is the simple answer and no reflection of an attack on "english-ness" or any other complaint about forms etc
Thank you dogfish and IggyB for answering my question. I must admit slight despair at the others for the strong nationalistic feeling that must exist. I know this is, only, a small sample, but even so, a surprise to one who, obviously leads a sheltered life!
Britishness needs to be taught to the English so that they can differentiate belween England & Great Britain, Great Britain & the UK and the UK & the British Isles. Mind you, dogfish seems to expect the folk of Eire to be taught Britishness so maybe he/she is confused too?
Aye right Corbyloon, fit ever. For someone fa'll stick up for ony minority that folk on here hae a go at. I think your remarks towards the English very generalised and disparaging. Especially as you choose to bide among them.
It's only very recently that England supporters have started using the flag of Saint George rather than the Union Flag and I have lost count of the times someone has said England rather than Britain and then goes on to say Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland in a feeble attempt to hide his or her error.
As I've said before, Corby is a Scots enclave so it's nae bother at a'.
I can't see that Britishness needs to be taught at all in any school. It wasn't taught in my day (1970s) it was something that you were brought up with.