Why can't people on this web site be bothered to say thank you? Why do you all get so upset when told to, but will go out of your way to complain about the very idea? Take a look around the web - if you know how. Look in the forums. The poster comes back to say "thanks, problem sorted" or else not sorted but thank you anyway. Just because many of you here are beginners (and will probably stay beginners judging by your response before) there's something called "Internet Etiquette" - check it out! ;-/
Why do you get so upset at the idea of saying thank you and actually take the time to post against it? Who's throwing their toys out of the pram now?
What an evil world we live in and most of it is suffocating the Internet.
I'm not sure I understand your post, but when I've answered a Q and get no response I do wonder whether the poster actually came back to see the answer. It is nice to have 'Thank you', but not compulsory - and the people that do show their appreciation more than make up for those that don't.
Ignore the above if I've misunderstood your Q.
I'm sorry that I was a bit sarrcy in the way I put the question but I think Cetti summed it up. It IS nice to not be left wondering.
I don't understand why people are so ready to be nasty when asked a question like this even though I could have worded it better (although my other post was quite polite http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/Internet-and-Technology/Quest ion55237.html).
I thinks it's just cowards taking advantage of the anonimity of the net where one thinks it's ok to say what you like. They're probably really nice to people offline.
If people were not thick or messed with things they know nothing about we would not have to post answers so thanks to all the thickies out there for giving smartarses like us something to do