but a sensible person would actually lean against something and practise those exercises they suggest you do when you fly to cancun. iF YOU did that for a while someone would ask you what the problem was and you could say, 'I have had a memory lapse and forgotten how to put my leg down' and the person would call the emergency services and you would spend a short stay in a secure unit and then be rehabilitated into the community.
Well I'll tell you something, thicko, I have clip-on SPD pedals on my bike, and when I first tried them out I ended up in Croydon cemetery resting against a tree because I couldn't free my foot. Ban me if you like, I don't give a gibbon's fart.
Thank you to everybody who BOTHERED to answer, and to those of you who didn't, you can go and stick your head up a gibbon's bum. While waiting for Jeremy Clarkson and Top Gear I had a number of options in the absence of Natasha. I chose to post on here.
Ha ha whiffey, you don't have the monopoly on garbage on here !! You stupid fool.