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I've got a suggestion!

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DJerba | 15:26 Mon 12th Feb 2007 | Site Suggestions
4 Answers
I've got a suggestion for you! Why don't you just ban all the people on here that have nothing better to do with their time other than moan at the Ed in relation to banned and moderated content?! I think AnswerBank is a great site and you're doing a great job!


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You're getting paid to say that- aren't you?;-)
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Haha! No not at all it's just getting slightly irritating that numerous people do nothing but moan about other users, put people down, bitch about ABer's, moan about the Ed team, the content , the chat on the site and then to make matters worse it's the same people doing it!! All rather strange if you ask me, cant we all just get along???
I agree really. Though I have to say some of the late night row fests are jaw droppingly, get ya pocorn bucket and cushion ready entertaining.
Ever the bloody apple polisher eh DJerba?
I've been on here years and I actually liked it when it was a serious sensible site where you could answer questions, which is exactly WHY I'm moaning. No one minds a laugh, no one minds a chat even, least of all me, but this vile bitching and superiority complex that some users have and their ganging up to ban people has to be curtailed because at present this site is unworkable because of it, or do you think that the gangland holier than thous should be permitted to prevail?
I've personally never been banned so it really has no direct effect on me, but it is unfair to those who post and it is making a mockery of what this site should be about.

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