Why are my gamma enzyme raised, although other liver function tests nad. I am on Herceptin every three weeks. the level on the 23rd jan was 139. Is it anything to worry about?. Many Thanks
i would really ask your doctor because she or he would be better to put your mind at rest. I would take heart that someone does look at results and if there was anything to worry about im sure you would have been told. Many drugs transiently raise lft's
Yes gamma enzyme can be raised by different factors but im no expert, as has been said check with the consultant its nothing to worry about im sure xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
sorry, i stand corrected in these days of equal opps !
only stated 'he' because i only have contact with male consultant surgeons in that field - as in gynaecology too.
Silly me !
hiya, sorry to have upset you enough to make you swear, it ws a cheeky little comment very lighthearted! I always say it at home, and forgot people can get sweary/shouty over little things here!