I'm trying to partition my hard drive and create a space for my photos and music. Microsofts help and support pages have left me stuck. It says to open computer management..then disk management.. This brings up 2 panes. The top shows Vol C with it's capacity and free space etc...and the bottom shows a "striped " window showing Disk 0 and in the striped area Vol C with size etc...Problem is The write up then tells me to right click an unallocated region of basic disk and select new partition etc..but I have right clicked everywhere in these two panes and don't get the option of create a new partition. What am i doing wrong. thank you in advanced
I think the windows partition tool will only partition a drive by erasing it too (i.e., it won't move the data you already have on there). To do this you'll need some other program, like Partition Magic.
When looking for Partioning Software, make sure they maintain data when resizing a partition (easier said than done!). A lot of repartitioning software will just trash your data! I think Partition Magic tries to maintain data when making a partition smaller.