Valentine verses in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Valentine verses

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petes_dragon | 00:10 Tue 13th Feb 2007 | Body & Soul
8 Answers
hey ho every one!

I need a bit of help - my friend and I need to send a wind-up valentines card to a guy at work (anonymous) and we can't find a good message.

He's a lovely guy but a TOTAL flirt and quite naughty....he flirts with all the girls, but it's totally innocent.

Any suggestions for what we could put in the card - not to offensive, but as mucky as you like!

A xXx
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hey i hope you don't think i am being a silly old mare petes dragon, but if you do this and the guy finds out it is u and he doesn't find it funny and he wants to be a total prat he can actually file a complaint of harrssment against u, not that he probably would find out, or noit be amused, or find it funny, but in the modern workplace apparently it is not even acceptable now to send a card for someones 60th with the words happy birthday you old git on them, and defo not acceptableto send a card that may cause someone to feel ridiculed or belittled lol
daft int it but if you work in a half decent firm it should be in your staff handbook.
yes I know, i am a miserable old cow lol
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Yes you are.....she wants a message not a lecture
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I faked everytime
and you never knew!
i love you
i love you
i love you almighty
i wish your pyjamas were next to my nightie
now dont be mistaken
dont be misled
i mean on the clothes line
not in the bed.
lol at cliffsgirl! sorry dont have a suggestion just had to praise that one!
i sent a guy who works in a bank a red rose once ,, he lives with his flatmate a another guy.
On the note I wrote ...sweetie muffin sorry about last night ..tonight you can wear the pink sparkly thong.

love n kisses John

it raised a few laughs at work ,, although he stopped talking to me.
Tut, the British workforce is alive and well and living in a squalid bedsit sitting at a computer pretending to be all sorts of super people.

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