just opened my answers and another daft mistake on my part giving me > 150. I do the quiz on my own . Anyone out there want to partner up so we can bounce ideas off one another. how we'd exchange e-mail addresses ??
I suggest you join the Yahoo discussion group and put a message on there. It will then be easier to email you. I will keep my eyes open and respond once I see your message. http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/qmdisc/
I used to be a member of the Yahoo groups but some time ago it crashed and I've never been able to get back in.
I'm another person who tries to do this quiz on her own and I would love some help sometimes. I find Yahoo quite difficult to navigate - any suggestions?
I am now doing quiz on my own after being part of a team and find it difficult without someone to bounce off. If you are still looking for someone maybe it would be worth a try.
LocalGirl I don't recall it ever crashing. I was one of the first few subscribers. Maybe changing your email might help. Don't know what you are using of course.