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AshfordVikki | 17:42 Thu 22nd Feb 2007 | Food & Drink
3 Answers
Why is it dangerous to take ice-cream out of the freezer, let it defrost and put it back in the freezer then eat it?


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hi i think it may be to do with the bacteria, that in normal cooking lies dormant when frozen and then regrows when bought back to room temp, bacteria only dies when it is cooked to above a certain temp, but i have been doing the 'take it out and let it go squidgy then eat it and put it back in the freezer when your done if you can't manage the whole tub' theory for years! and my family is still alive and well, plus it always tastes so much better when soft too!! but i don't recomend it for other food like chips or pizzas etc that could turn nasty! good luck and happy munching! x
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Cheers dears, I'll go and eat my Haagen Dazs now :P
I don't know why but I've done it enough times and lived to tell the tale... especially if I don't get back from the supermarket straight away and forget about the Haagen Daaz in the car boot

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