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AB ED Re: Harry Potter

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becks | 17:21 Wed 14th Jul 2004 | Site Suggestions
3 Answers
I just wondered if there was anyway to stop the first bit of the questions coming up with regard to Harry Potter. I pop in the A&L section now and then and it's all about HP which i don't mind, it's just I DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS! Now i glance and see stuff about wards, mudbloods and stuff and it's driving me crazy!! OR can people who are writing about HP put ***** SPOILER****** across the top to take up space or something!!


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Maybe. Sorry, but we just want to talk about some things. When you go into a HP thing, and you haven't read all of the books then you're taking a risk.
I agree with Punky. If you want to talk intelligently about the books you need to read them all.

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