If you are likely to use your debit card overseas then Nationwide is better - no charges.
Otherwise I'd look at convenience of branch location and/or freely usable ATMs if that bothers you. (Nationwide debit cards can be used to get cash in a Post Office which adds to their network)
Why either Natiowide or Natwest? Alliance and Leicester offer 6.10% at the moment with 0% overdraft for 12 months and lots more besides.
Don't limit yourself, it's always best to move your money to accounts that are most competitive. This doesn't effect your credit rating but improves your bank balance so to speak, as you are likey (especially as a new customer) to get a better deal. Unless my Bank is offering competive rates I move....
If choice of two, neither is "best"- only "better".
Generally, Building Societies offer better services than banks for most individuals' needs. I prefer First Direct, however, and think that it excels every other financial institution bar none. Ring 0845-610 0100 any time. day or night, and a REAL HUMAN BEING (not a voicemail or call-handling computer) will answer you.
News just in Halifax are doing 6.2% AER on it's current account and if you join before March 23rd you get �100.
For comparison Nationwide is 4.25%
& Natwest Advantage Gold is 0.25%
And the bank with 'real human beings' is 2%
It's all about choices, however not all choices are the right ones.
P.S Note for My Angel Pie. My friend who had been with Nationwide for over 20 years regular wages no overdraft no bad credit history was refused a mortgage with guess who....Nationwide.
There is no such thing, especially in the corporate world as loyalty. Banks make most of their money from people with bad credit or those with boats. If you are Mr/Mrs avearge thay don't give a hoot.