peace in religion in The AnswerBank: History
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peace in religion

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habiba | 20:53 Sun 22nd Aug 2004 | History
15 Answers
why is it you always pick on the people who are truth you know they are in the right like jesus but still the people had to pick on him it happens to all the prophets i belive islam is right and thats why they are being picked and we all know it
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I don't "always" pick on such people, and we don't "all" know it, so the premise of your question is inaccurate.
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not everyone picks on people but my question is why do people who do pick on something thats peacefull and innocent like religion which hurts no one get away with it
Islam may be right, but like Christianity there is a little phrase in it that I am uncomfortable with... it goes something like this at the end when I browsed through a copy of the Quoram "Islam is the only religion"...This type of ideology causes conflict and in the end Wars. This is despite those that claim that Islam is a religion of Peace. You have peace when you have converted everyone to your viewpoint, until such time, when someone has a diiferent viewpoint you have disagreement or conflict, depending upon whether you are a fundamental islamic person or a conservative evangelical christian. I am uncomfortable with religion, as with religion you have thousands of clerics, vicars etc taking a nice salary whilst discouraging independent thought on the creed of your religion as if you do, their job/pension is at risk, they love the pomp and ceremony. The clerics defend the religion, fire up the fundamentals. I beleive in having no creed, but instead believing in Love, Love thy neighbour (wherever he/she is), love thy self and demonstrate love in ones actions, no creed to defend just love blossoming in the kingdom of love, just as Jesus taught and as the history books alledgedly report he did the ultimate test of Love by dying on the cross for our sins or our acts which are not loving in nature, which seperates us from Love or God which is Love.
Here's a book with an intersting viewpoint "The science of Discworld II, the Globe" I believe that God exists but have problems with any religion or religeious body that promotes difference or encourages discrimination against others. ictandy has expressed my view as well. God must weep when (s)he sees what is done in his/her name
sorry about the typos, its early on a monday morning!!
On the contrary, many religions are not "peaceful and innocent" and use it as a justification for so called "Holy wars", from the crusades of the Christians to the supposed Holy wars of the modern day often called by Middle eastern countries. Using religion to justify the slaughter of your fellow man is the ultimate in self deceit and cowardice IMHO. If you don't like someone and you want to go to war with them, don't hide behind some deity to do it.
The essential problem is this. Judaism is a bodgie religion formed through Babylon (and previous) and Egypt with the ludicrous stories of Abraham and Moses taking pride of place; the Jews favour Moses.Islam exits at Abraham and uses some knowledge of Christianity which Mohammed picked up along the trade routes and Christianity which rests on the rest of the half baked testaments and exits with Jesus. Each is a hijacked political manoeuver. Each contributes to the brutalising of the world as well as offering some bon bons and contributing some fabulous people. None has a clue about "God" or really cares two hoots anyway because "God" has lost the ability to strike fear into the lucid; CONTROL is the objective even though each religion has seriously seeking and caring people involved. You know" free will...just do as we say!" Now if after 3 tries through these three associated tragic efforts all brandishing "prophets" like some advertising guru and Islam bellowing it has the last, most true, most fabulous prophet (Mohammed a prophet??..give me a break!!) "'God" still has a disaster on his hands causing excruciating and escalating misery to millions over the centuries I think "he" would have to seriously question his own mental state and so should we.Of course every religion to do with "God" claims that under THEIR regime peace on earth and joy would prevail..ho hummmmm!Just look around!! In closing Jesus holds the key, duplicitous as is his history, he is the most enlightened teacher of all. Cheers
do you live your life by the premise 'never think, follow'? i think you should seek help of some kind.
why is it that people that worship satan get a bad name yet rarely do wrong? while those who believe strongly in religeon go around killing each other for it??
tut tut humming bird..... "mohammed as a prophet?- give me a break!!!" This is not good, in fact i bet you got no idea about the life of Muhammed? Who he was,or what he had done? Please read an UNBIASED view point and then comment upon the person. As for political manouvers, i do agree, i believe man took advantage of religon and used it for their own gain. So called religeous leader took advantage at a time when many could not read or write, but simply listened and followed what there leaders said. Infact this is what caused the division in Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism and other religons. Gradually as people became more aware and able to find out for themselves; religous groups disagreed within themselves about the religon, Luther split from catholic church and formed the first branch of protestants, More modern Jew split with the more orthadox Jews, Buddisim gain great support because of diagreement in the Hindu religon. Islam has no such disagreement, infact in 1400 years the one major disagreement is about leadership, thus resulting in Shia and Sunni, but there is no diagreement about the principles or the faith. Whatever religon you are its all about love, love the Lord, love thy neighbour and love thy self and everting will be good....
Yeah well...what do you say??..none of this "Islamic Religion" was a "Mohammed" original..the capricious jerk wanted power and got it because people, starved for personal empowering and a connection with some "God", listened to the twit. I find it ridiculous that the catholic Church encourages such cretins in he interest of "ecumanism". Mohammed made 'it' seem "real" for 'them' . I realise you are an expert, unlike myself, but nevertheless "Mohammed" is called "the last prophet" by his ignorent followers and was by himself. ..This plagaristic jerk has caused a religion to erupt which has misery stamped all over it as it purports to be "Islamic". "Islamic".."peace"..hat nonsense, it is a political tool used to subvert the ignorent mantra chanting masses...who ought to know better but are afraid to learn. "No idea?" you think....well just keep trying!!. I frankly couldn't give a rat's bottie for Mohammed or drongo's like him whether Bhuddist, Proddo, Catho or whatever..none of them had any serious knowledge when the chips are down, all were parrots who picked out what they felt like and blathered on to all and sundry. "Islam"..what unbelievable hypocrisy.. It has become the most vindictive and oppressive religion on this earth and any connection with "God" is see part 2
part 2 pure fantasy.(evangelism is not far behind mind you!!) The serious problem is that none of these zealot donkeys can think past their toenails, They'd believe any rubbish between the covers of the Q'ran or Bible without asking "really...why??". Brainless from one end to the other they tell the world where it ought to go...Sorry mate but I just can't bring myself to kow tow to Islamic hocus pocus nor to appreciate an early mornng mosque music session when I want to sleep in nor believe that god needs numerous "on the hour mat meetings" to get his jollies, feel fulfilled and needed and impart some grace . Its just total crap and a total insult to the idea of "God".You want it...well and good, but don't ask me to credit a hocus pocus religion that regards us all as terminal targets..."for the love of Allah"....On the other hand I am seriously antagonistic towards treating Muslims like dill and 'valuelesspeople" as the USA does...can you get that organised in your itinerary ok?..."Islam" is nonsense BUT the people should be cared for, about and respected as needy people. I have fought long and hard for the rights of islamic people because they ared a part of humanity. Cheers
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humming bird u are wrong if it hadnt been for my prophet may peace and blessing be upon him none of us would be here today. his prayers for us has been successful so far. tell me one thing who really controls you're life. if god not bid anything did happened to you,would you not say OH MY GOD out of fear and pray for help. my prophet was the most faithful protector of those he protected. the sweetest and the most agreable in conversation, those who saw him would say they were suddenly filled with reverence, those who came near him loved him. he was of great taciturnity, but when he spoke it was with emphasis and deliberation and no one would forget what he said. u think that islam is a hypocrisy and a oppressive religion but youre very wrong, islam is the most peaceful calm religion which may be hard for you to believe but thats becouse you have lack of knowledge about the religion it self people are suffering in this world this is becouse of humans errors and are careless in their prayers and your being a hypocrite for spreading the wrong without knowing the truth. try waking up to pray when the clouds are beginning to appear early dawn .the miracle of life begins practise youre self one day may be you will have second thought but if youre stubborn then youre thankless person towards youre creator and i feel sorry for you mate when the fact becomes fact none shall deny it is a fact religion
phew....hope you feel better for letting some of your feelings out...and to a certain extent i would agree with you, 1400 or 2000 years ago people were straved of knowledge and would have and probably did listent to a lot of people saying alot of different things all wanting to seek power. However, these days we all have accesses to so much information, alot more people in the world can read for themselves instead of just listening to others, yet this hocus pocus and opressive religon is still around??? more to the point it has the largest conversion rate over the world then any other religon....mmm unless your saying that we're still "the ignorent mantra chanting masses...who ought to know better but are afraid to learn?". Also looking at all the prophets, abraham, moses, jesus to muhammed, these were people with enormous power and wealth, but where are their shrines, or magnificent buildings built for them?? These are things that other people who held such power built for themselves. Their not there, because they were prophets. And i'll have it thank you very much, cause i've been where you are and am happy to be where i am...peace and love...
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nez thanks for that you however, are right about the shrine and magnificent buildings all the prohets were sent with powers. the power to make man believe in oneness of god and the existence of his creations that was the purpose for them to come. they did not come to make buildings or shrines in this world becouse they knew that life is much better in hereafter. this is purely a test of journey for all mankind. cant people see the difference between human and prophets. they were simple people like you and i, between us they were powerful in so many ways they did not ask for worldly treasures as for humans they would go balistic theres the difference betwwen us.

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