Please explain why St. Martin 1 is the answer. I have read everything I can find on him on Google, but see no reference to your clue. I know you said it was cryptic and out of curoisity I'd like to know how Jane Mark 2 got 3 stars for her answer - not knowing the relevance myself.
Hi Ont-ice, it took me some time to get this , so you are not alone.
It's Martin I -- martini, and the one under the eight , I think, refers to 007 James Bond, shaken not stirred !
Good evening .
" This papal saint was " is fulfilled by Martin i .
Martini fulfils something " frequently drunk " .
I simply threw in One under the eight because I was looking for a 7 lettered word , although 007 , whomsoever he may be , adds a nice touch .
Thank you swannbaker. Of course it makes sense when I see the answer.
Please tell me you are joking when you state '007 whomever he may be????????'
I jest.