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stonerosesqu | 01:59 Sun 25th Feb 2007 | Beauty
7 Answers
i cleanse, tone and moisturise every night and morning, with gentle products...garnier and lancome...but i keep getting random spots, just little ones now and again, not blackheads...does anyone know if it could be diet-related? im a vegetarian and eat loads of dairy but heard that was a myth in terms of spot-related stuff. hmm...any ideas??


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Do you use an exfoliator? Lancome do a great one for use once or twice a week. I find it really helps. Also, do you touch your face alot? I used to do this when I was nervous, bored, concentrating etc and now I consciously try not to and it has made a difference.
I don't think the diet link has been totally disproved. I know that dairy is mucous forming which could cause congestion. However, I believe that sugar is the food that bacteria can thrive in so you could try addressing this if it is an issue in your own diet. I am a veggie, too, and had terrible problems with spots right into my late twenties. Alot of it is to do with hormones. Do you find them worse just before your period (presumimg you're a girl!!!). I would recommend not over cleansing with anything too astringent as this only makes the sebaceous glands over react. I find Philosophy's Hope In A Jar moisuriser to have really solved my problems. It's pricey but is excellent. Google it to find out more. Good luck!
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thankyou!! i don't exfoliate very much, so i reckon you might be onto something there! good excuse to buy yummy lancome products :) and the sugar reason is another thing i'll look into as am a chocolate fiend. i'll definitely google the Philosophy Hope In a Jar, sounds good. thanks a lot. xxx
I have always had spots, but recently managed to control them more. I use facial wipes morning and night. I use Johnsons facial cream and mix a few drops of lavendar/chamomile in. If I feel some spots coming, I put a drop of tea tree in some cream instead. It does sound silly moisturising oily skin, but essential oils help too
Also, try not to touch your skin once it has been treated in the morning. The bacteria on your fingers can lead to more spots. So top tip is to either carry a tissue to wipe on your skin if it itches, or it you don't have one, a sleeve or collar (but only if you don't have a tissue handy).
something i use reguarly is neat tea tree oil u can get it most chemists but i think the bodyshop 1 is very good
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thank-you everyone! v.helpful tips. i shall make sure there is always a tissue up my sleeve lou :) i'm also gonna get brand new make up cos i heard that it goes off really quick and most ppl dont realise you need to replace it every couple of months! maybe thatll help too. if not, still fun to get new stuff hehe. xxx

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