Well, we'll just have to go our separate ways then. Personally, I'm happy to be going on mine in company with Fowler's rather than a single Doctor of English. (One gains a doctorate in English by specialising in a single, minute aspect of the subject with a title such as Bird Imagery in Shakespeare's Later Plays. The degree in itself is no indication that the holder has a wider knowledge of the subject generally than someone with a Master's or even a basic Bachelor's degree.)
I wouldn't use 'are' with 'collection' or 'suite' either, but I might easily say "The Ministry of Defence are trying their best to meet Britain's obligations abroad", despite the fact that 'ministry' is clearly singular.
Similarly, I might point to a photo of Man U next to one of West Ham and say, "This team are playing well and that team are playing badly"...despite the fact that 'this' and 'that' are obviously singular, too.
And there I, at least, will leave it.