What are these spots?? in The AnswerBank: Parenting
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What are these spots??

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*Red*Queen* | 18:15 Wed 28th Feb 2007 | Parenting
3 Answers
My 3 yr old has tiny tiny pink spots all over the front and back of her body, also on the tops of her legs, I dont think it's chickenpox (although there has been an outbreak in the last 6 months at school) What else could they be?? They don't seem to be bothering her, I just want to know what they are without bothering the doctor without reason
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if ever your worried about a rash or spots the first place id be is at the doctors,you can never be sure with spots,take her to the doctors tomoz,keep us informed
It could be a viral rash, if so they can't really do anything for it.
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They went the following day, worrying over nothing as usual lol. Thanks for your answers.

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What are these spots??

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