Annoying adverts...... huh! Why do we even mention them...... The fact that we do mention them is lining the darn pockets of the very people we cannot stand... The picture loan adverts are nothing short of arrrrrrggggghhhhhh! Years back, it was widely said and known that you never have someone on a advert with a broad Geordie or a Brummie accent. A light mens Scots accent was deemed to be ideal for a pensions or insurance advert as it was convincing, a light female irish accent for charity adverts and so on... This it seems has been turned on its head........ The other picture loan advert..... Woah! Is that coming from your end or mine? Yeah! Like he knows anything about football..... arrrrrgh.... At picture, we dont fuss or patronise...... You just have you gits! Why don't we have ads selling loans and insurance with women on the phone wearing Burkas for a change... Now that would be neat! When is the last time your saw an ad for insurance with a bloke wearing a turban? Why not hey? Injury lawyers for you? The girl fighting for you? Yeah right! A little known fact that the blessed injury lawyer adverts are companies in league with the insurance companies anyhow and the reason you get 100% compensation is due to the fact that the companies work at getting your claim settled out of court as soon as possible for the least they possibly can.... What would you rather have? 100% of the �3000 compensation offered and settled with you after you accindentally fell arse over head into a barrel of tar? Or would you prefer 70% of the �80,000 claim that it was actually worth had you gone through the proper avenues employing a proper solicitor and barrister in the first place? As for the woman on the injury lawyers for you advert, who, whilst walking, likes to hold your gaze with her sexy stare; if only she walked clean into a glass door and got a nasty black eye! Sheesh! Adverts huh..... Don't you just love em!