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Parking Ticket!

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LINZI420 | 21:16 Wed 07th Mar 2007 | Motoring
3 Answers
Does anyone know, I saw a thing on the TV which said that a parking enforcement officer must obtain your tax disc number when issuing a ticket, otherwise the parking ticket is not valid. Does anyone know if this is true?


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That's a nonsense. Otherwise people with no tax could not be issued with a parking ticket.

Some councils issue parking tickets by post, after seeing the offence on CCTV. A lot of private car parks work this way too - the first you know about it is when the ticket is delivered to your home a week or so later. No chance of copying details of the tax disc there.
If only the police were as efficient as Parking Wardens, Parking authorities have zero tolerance, pity the police don't have it then the UK would be a safer place.
The point about the tax disc number is that many older police officers make a note of it. This is a safeguard against allegations that they took the wrong vehicle number. If they do not do so, it does not in any way affect the validity of the ticket.

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