It depends what your employment contracts say. I cannot remember the actual act, but my employment advisors Mentor, put wording in my employee contracts stating that I was opting out of the act and therefore lets me dismiss employees who have served less than 12 months without any reason or notice (take note though I never do this unless I have very good reason as with yours above!). I would get advice before you go any further to find out if your contract has also opted out. If you have, then you can simply dismiss your employee. You do not have to give any reason or any notice, but just state in the final letter that you have decided not to continue with this persons employment. Of course you have to pay final notice pay and any holidays etc due. If you have not got the opt out clause in your contract, you will have to go down the disciplinary route with written invitations to hearings (given 24 hours notice) and so on. Note for info. If you have started any official disciplinary process i.e. such as official verbal warnings etc with any employees that have served less than 12 months, you are then legally obliged to continue this to it's conclusion, you cannot suddenly invoke the opt out clause or the employee will have recourse to take you to tribunal. Hope this has been of use, let me know how you get on. If I can be of any further use, let me know. Cheers Sue