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Spousal murder: James Keenan 1969

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blink_babe13 | 22:28 Sun 11th Mar 2007 | Law
4 Answers
I am doing a study on spousal murders and am looking for info on a 1969 case in Scotland. The couple were called James and Elizabeth Keenan. After killing her, James disposed of her body in several parts. I've found one online article and one book containing the story however I'm wondering if anyone can point me in the direction of any more info?


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you would be as well looking at the newspaper reports of the case from the local papers and probably the nationals aswell, try your local libraray or google the papers online
You could also suscribe to Westlaw or Lexisnexis for information via journal articles and case law.

I am unsure at the costs, as a student you get free access, as a lay person I have no idea.
I found an article on the Daily Record wensite after doing a search - possibly the same one you found - interesting stuff! Have you thought of contacting the Scottish Courts Service (

Their earliest online opinions only go back to 1999, but perhaps they may be able you give you some information. The Mitchell Library in Glasgow may also be a good source, and of course, the local newspaper!! The latter may be your best bet.

The case isn't reported on Westlaw (I just checked), nor is it cited in any of the Evidence or Criminal Law books I have. So the murder may be of more interest to sociology or criminology students than to a law student. The local rag would be my first port of call though.
Also found this book at Amazon: ttish-Murder-Stories/dp/1903238056

And, a report from Hansard (Parliamentary debates) that mentions the murder and the senior investigatiing officer, William Muncie, when the local MP Jimmy Hood raised a question relating to a possible miscarriage of justice for George Beattie. 293/cmhansrd/1993-03-03/Debate-28.html

William Muncie wrote and published his memoirs (The Crime Pond) after retiring - l.
I'd try the local library - good chance they'll have a copy. .htm

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