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ferret tails

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giglamps | 23:55 Fri 20th Aug 2004 | Animals & Nature
4 Answers
is it normal for a ferrets tail to be dark and scaly at the end?


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You seem to have got one of that rare breed of ferrets called a lizard.
A friend of mine keeps a ferret and has had the same problem. On visiting the vet she was told that the ferret was chewing its own tail as it was bored. It was suggested that it needed company.
Hi. Some ferrets lose hair seasonally on their tails, and the dark, scaly you see could well be like blackheads. They do have a fair amount of skin oil. You can wash the tail with soap and water (rinse well) and see if that helps, but I have one girl who just loses hair on her tail every year. You don't mention if the ferret is neutered (assume it is) but if not it could be 'stud tail' if it is a boy....and if the ferret is bored, maybe he just needs more playing with. If he has been without other ferret company since he was little, he may not accept another ferret coming along now...
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he is an un neutered male, who has been alone since he was eight weeks. however i am with him all day and he always has plenty of long walks and playtime whenever he wants.

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