I saw the first half of the program, then had to do something more important with my life.
I especially liked the bit where they went on about how little of the atmosphere is comprised of greenhouse gases and then promptly shot themselves in the foot by pointing out that without them the Earth would be too cold for life!
These arguments are nothing new - here's just one site that answers them point for point - but I don't expect you to believe them
http://inthegreen.typepad.com/blog/2007/03/dec onstructing_.html
Just one point though - The sun has a very famous 11 year cycle of activity - if solar flares were so important do you not think we might see a similar 11 year climate cycle?
The bodies of experts that believe human emissions are a major influence (not sole cause) on global warming runs into the thousands.
I for one am not about to gamble our childrens future on a conspiracy theory - and it doesn't look as if either Cameron, Brown or any responsible politician is going to either !