Masterchef - the winner? in The AnswerBank: Film, Media & TV
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Masterchef - the winner?

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waiglet | 15:03 Wed 07th Mar 2007 | Film, Media & TV
6 Answers
Who do you think will win?

I personally don't like any of them left. I suppose Hannah is the best of a bad bunch but I really can't stand that cry-baby Ben or the Geordie who's idea of a quality breakfast dish was a fry up, spoiled by Ben trying to fancy it up by adding maple syrup!!!! How I laughed. I thought the Geordie might have decked him.
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Actually really like David (Geordie bloke) and at least Ben really wants to win, better than that Charley Boorman lookalike Hannah. What on earth is wrong with a fry up for brekkie anyway??
So far Ben seems way out in front
Is David this year's Dean ?
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After last night's show I'm warming a bit more to David (sorry for calling him Geordie bloke originally but I just couldn't remember his name).

Ben must not win, it would be the same scenario as last year all over again � clueless with everything else except haute cuisine.

David or Hannah for me
I rest my case! Yay lol :o)

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