Please just remove all questions re marlboro from the site as well as bagel's ability to post to this site in the future. At this stage he/she has virtually taken over the front page of about 5 sections.
See Adverts & Quizzes
If you don't do something about this idiot,bagel, I think you are in danger of losing contributors who are getting increasingly frustrated at "their" site being hi-jacked.Instead of the forums we had in the past, we merely have the childish questions of an attention seeking jerk.
P S as a Quizzer, I ask that please don't merely shunt them on to the Quiz section
It's not fair even to move them to the appropriate section, as there is no section for abusive a**wipes. They should be blocked out by email address, as it's easy to change user names. And their tactics can be spotted even if they come up with a different email address.