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Matheous | 23:48 Fri 16th Mar 2007 | Home & Garden
2 Answers
Can anyone identify a soft-green coloured very dense compact hedge which from a short distance resembles moss or velvet? I may be wrong in my description reference eg. hedging....quite possibly a shrub.....I observed it from a bus I was on at the time.


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Hi Matheous, It's hard to tell, it could be a lot of things but I've a feeling it may be some sort of conifer hedge you saw.
Taking a wild guess now, I wonder if it was one of the 'Thuja's or cupressus which have those fine scale-like leaves, I often think a well clipped Yew hedge looks kind of mossy looking at first glance. just a thought ?
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Thanx for the reply....I don't think its conifer.....Yew sounds promising - I could not discern from the distance any individual leaves or branches.

Thanks Thunderbird+

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