Hi it is me carmelbaby again with another problem. Okay it is about flirting okay i cant flirt with other guys but my boyfriend can flirt with other girls.
I dont think thats necessarily true, you can have respect for someone and still be a big flirt, but he cant say you arent allowed but he is. Non of this one rule for one...
Mr P is a terrible flirt (although most of the time he does it without realising..I can tell!) but I know it doesn't mean anything, and I am sure I do it too...
However if this guy is deliberately flirting and telling his girlfriend she can't..that isn't on.
flirting isnt a problem as such, I have always been a flirt but would never do anything more than a bit of harmless chat.
Perhaps your boyfriend knows about you seeing the other guy(s) and is trying to show you how much it hurts?
Good God!!! how many times are you gonna ask the same question?? Not only that ....you sound about 12? Far too young to be banging on about this stuff, not being funny just tired of seeing your name with the same post
I agree curlyperm!
Sorry carmel, but it really doesnt sound like you are old enough or mentally mature enough to have a normal decent relationship, so why not leave the boyfriends to the people who can actually stick to one bloke, & just keep having fun!