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science fiction novice

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annierak | 21:41 Thu 15th Mar 2007 | Books & Authors
12 Answers
the new man in my life is an avid science fiction reader and i havent got a clue as to who writes these kinds of books.
can anyone please tell me which particular author i should be looking for.



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The best place to start is with Isaac Assimov, the daddy of sci fi. He wrote mainly short stories, I'd recommend "Nightfall 1" as your best place to start, the genius of his writing comes from the way he subverts the mundane (e.g. Nightfall is based on a planet with several suns, which is only in total darkness once in about a thousand years, and the madness that erupts when the suns all set and people see the stars for the first time in recent history).
My Dad was an avid sci-fi reader and his favourite author was Isaac Asimov so I can vouch for fairkatrina's answer. He also used to read a lot of E. E. Doc Smith. Hope that helps.
I really like Richard Morgan's 'Takeshi Kovacs' novels - "Altered Carbon", "Broken Angels" and "Woken Furies".

They are set in a future where people's personality/memories/experiences etcc - their soul I suppose you could say - can be transfered (sleeved') to different bodies allowing people to change their appearance. That is just the basis for his stories though which are kind of sci-fi noir thrillers It's a fantastic concept , the books are great and ex-soildier Kovacs is a wonderful anti-hero
There's a huge range of sub-genres in SF, it might be worth sneaking a look at his bookshelves to see which authors/styles he likes. Are you looking to get him a present, or for names to drop?

Anyway, Peter F Hamilton writes exciting space opera with a "hard science" edge. His "Night's Dawn" trilogy is superb right up until the somwhat poor climax.

If you're looking at getting something he probably hasn't read, check out the children's section for Philip Reeve's "Larklight" (hardback only at the moment - I think). Although ostensibly for the Tweenies it's full of SF in-jokes that I suspect the young 'uns won't get, and a great read.
what author you should be looking for for what?
Do you mean for him or you? He will know what he likes.
If you are looking for yourself to get into it you could try Arthur C Clarke. Like everyone says there are many sub genres in sci-fi, any other info?
Raymond E Feist's Magician trilogy is also worth a read
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thanks everyone.

mycats: its for me, so that i can buy him something he likes for a birthday pressie. he already knows what he likes.
being my new man, im still getting to know all about him...

once again..

Could you have a look at his bookcase and tell us some of the names there, then we could help more.
I love sci-fi its my favourite lol ( and ok I'm maybe being a bit nosy too) x
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im afraid that it is of no help as he tends to read library books or charity shop books, which he returns as soon as he has read them.

the limit of my science fiction knowledge is star trek, star wars and stargate.
i prefer crime/thriller/war or the odd mills and boon.

david gemmill writes good gung ho beat em ups, but im with ping ping and the magician trilogy

jonathon livingston seagull is a brilliant quick read. i forgot all about this book it gets the imagination going
i forget who its by but he is a great author who explores the power of the mind.
im going to find it and read it again
The Magician series is good. Legend by David Gemmel is one of my favourite books ever but is more fantasy than sci-fi
Dune is a fabulous book (my favourite one)
Ay of The Vorkosigan series by Lois McMaster Bujold, and Asimov or Clarke.
Anne McCaffrey's dragons of Pern are brilliant.
oh yeah Jonathan Livingston Seagull is a really lovely little book, very thought provoking. Its by Richard Bach

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