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Do you think the first post is out of order here?

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MrsT | 16:03 Wed 21st Mar 2007 | Site Suggestions
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"You may think my views on homosexuals are narrow-mided and sick but the fact is there are many many parts of the world where people share the same views - most of afrcia and asia in fact. This clearly proves that the people who are complaining are the ones who are narrow minded and sick. " do you work that out?

just because lots of other bigotted and homophobic people agree with you does not make it is still wrong!!
it just means lots and lots of people are narrowminded -
there is no safety in numbers with these issues.
Homosexuals are part of our culture......

That has got to be the most ridiculous comment I have ever read on here...

Homosexuality has nothing to do with culture. We are just more accepting and tolerant.

I feel they are part of our culture!

pubs have 'Gay nights' and some places go out of their way to welcome them. if that's not part of a culture then i don't know what is! But hey, that's just my opinion
Like I said, we are more accepting and tolerant. We also have human rights laws that have pushed us to be tolerant. It's not part of our culture same as it's not part of any culture. There are homosexuals in every race, colour and creed. It's just they can come out of the closet here without fear......well almost.

A gay man was beaten to death outside a gay bar for being gay a few months back in my town. If it was part of our culture that would never have happened.
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lots of people get murdered everywhere. Britain is multi-cultural now but there are still hate crimes against other people. An Asian taxi driver was stabbed to death a few months back just for being Asian. There will always be extreemists who don't like parts of our culture and act out against the things they disagree with.

But as I said, it's my opinion that homosexuals are part of our culture. I'm not saying you have to like it or agree with it, it's just my opinion
If I had the choice of sleeping with a gay man (I am hetrosexual) or a muslim woman then all I will say is get the Vaseline.

Hussain, there is no problems with gays whatsoever. They are human afterall which is more than I can say about a load of allah-humping kiddy fiddlers who want to blow the west up.

I can't think of the last time a gaylord blew up a train can you?
Minter, you remain the most unpleasant character I have ever met on the internet.

What's 'hetro' by the way ? The Cambridge education seems to have missed a few things.
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*applaudes mani*
mani is actually a christian and is often found espousing his views in the religion/spitituality section.
He is one moronic, sicko
whiffey, hetro means the same hetero without the "e". When used prefixing sexual, it means being sexually active with members of the opposite sex. Homosexual, means same sex encounters.

You really are as stupid as you often look by the way. Heterosexual is not a hard word to learn!!!
Thanks for the lecture Minter, it's spelling lessons you need (and common decency).

I may often look stupid, but I rarely look vile.

Which Cambridge college were you at by the way ?
NB "rarely" and unlike me "never".

Honesty for once from the whiffster.
mani, you are of course entitled to say what you want.

however, right and wrong does not change depending on which part of the world you come from.
some things are wrong no matter where you are.
just because certain cultures adopt and accept certain behaviours does not make them ok.

some cultures think cannibalism, murder, paedophilia, animal cruelty, female circumcision etc etc etc, are ok ... well they aren't.... they may be accepted...but they are still wrong.

my cultural lens does not come into this - prejudice is wrong regardless of your own individual views.

"New balls please !"

Cough, cough, what a lovely day its been today...anyone else enjoyed the magnificent sunshine ?

I love Wardy !

RQ xx

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