Hi I am not allowed to put a fence up where I live so need to find some nice fast growing shrubs to block out next door. (They have just sunk a massive trampoline right next to my boundary overlooking the patio!!)
Hi sally,
Do Not be afraid to plant Leylandii .
I know they get a bad press but that's the fault of the gardener not the plant.
If you consider this and are allowed to plant such trees get back and I'll explain exactly how to look after them.
Hi Chris - I know they are fast growing but I dont really like the regimented look of them. Its a very woodland garden and I think big shrubs may look better - what do you think?
Hi Sal, how about a laurel hedge, they are fast growing and give good dence privacy.
The best ones for hedging are Prunus laurocerasus (cherry laurel) and P.lusitanica (portugal laurel) but they do demand some space, if you have it. Good Luck Tbird+