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Released from a Meglomaniac

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Drisgirl | 15:46 Thu 01st Mar 2007 | Body & Soul
41 Answers
To be honest I escaped myself - lol How do people -and this is a serious issue -deal with someone who is a potental control freak who wants to rule cyber space at any cost -who would sell their own Granny to persuade people THEY are telling the truth - at the cost of other peoples integrity. Just to further widen the discussion -how do you deal with someone who is controlling and you feel like banging your head off a brick wall but you stay simply because you know they need help. I have been in personal situations and its not easy -I found I used to almost deal with them like children -ergo persuade them to tell the truth because its gonna be far worse when I find out. NB -this WILL be posted on other forums -just a wee warning. However it is a very genuine question.Its nothing to do with me if its lifted (thumbs up)


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erm exactly when did any of this become my problem? for your information dris i dont post under any other name, i have no need to. Yes ive read the threads but as far as im concerned none of this has anything to with me and if i had something to say to you I would say it without using "silly names" Youve never done anything to me and as far as im aware ive not done anything to you so why you think i have any need to come here and start on you is beyond me. Im not sure if anyones noticed yet but ive kept out of it. I have enough to deal with in real life without having any problems in cyber life too. If you believe its me then carry on but i can assure you youre sadly mistaken

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