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3 year old wont poo on toilet

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gleaveyweave | 17:03 Sat 24th Mar 2007 | Parenting
7 Answers
I wonder if anyone can help? My three year old is toilet trained to wee on the loo but he will not have a poo. He seems scared of doing it on the loo and ends up going in his pants (which he is not happy about either!). Has anyone else had this problem and what did you do to help? TIA


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Does he pee standing up or sitting down? If he stands up, he may be afraid of falling in when he is sitting! Try putting some toilet paper in a layer to cover the water - so it doesn't look like an endless hole that he may be sucked down. If he pees sitting down, then I am stumped - what about letting him poo in a potty and show him the poo going away with the flush. g/Question368217.html
Have a quick read of this but annie has a point about falling in. perhaps a child seat may help. Will he poo on the potty like is it a poo thing or a toilet thing?
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Thanks both. He does pee sitting down, which is why it puzzles me too annie0000!! And he does use a child seat on the toilet winny!
Thanks for the link, i'll have a read.
Hi we had the same problem with my grandson and the only way we could get him to sit on the loo was on one of those childrens seats, also by putting a little box under his feet so his legs were'nt dangling, that way if he were to get frightened of falling he would be able to steady himself and jump off quickly, we found this to be of a great help with him, hope it helps...
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Thanks for your reply blueaura, but we already do all that!
Oh well, i'm sure he'll get there in the end!!!
Thanks again for all your replies x
I remember my daughter not wanting to poo on the loo. She was around three years old.
She would sit there for hours (probably not good for her) and still not go, in the end i would put on her nappy and she would poo straight away. Sooo frustrating.

I tried everything.
Then when I read up on it I found somewhere that someone used a chart with the days of the week on it. Everytime the child pooed on the loo they would get a star. If at the end of the week ,all the days had one star then the child would receive a reward, be it a toy or an outing.
It worked for my daughter and believe me she was persistant.

Good luck.

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Thanks icemaiden, that's exactly what my son does too! I'll try the chart, great idea!

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3 year old wont poo on toilet

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