'Baby on board' sticker in cars in The AnswerBank: People & Places
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'Baby on board' sticker in cars

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Dom Tuk | 01:07 Thu 14th Oct 2004 | People & Places
24 Answers
What is the reason that 'Baby on Board' stickers are put in cars. Why do other drivers need this information. Is it to excuse any erratic driving or to watch out for any erratic driving as there may be a little child on board. Does this sticker excuse the driver from not obeying the driving code. what purpose does it serve.
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i think they're pointless and trite (a mother of three writes), but I recently saw a sticker saying 'middle-aged-man on board' and want one. Can't track it down. Any suggestions where I might find this?
To people who own these signs: I don't want to crash in to you in the first place! Especially since most of you who own these things also happen to be driving tanks of 4x4 vehicles and so an encounter with you would seriously damage my health more than your precious cargo! Why bother having them?!?!?

Everytime I am cut up on the road the car has a baby on board sticker in the window so I thought they just dished them out to all pillocks!

Don't see the point on cars, as I think it's true that no one would adjust their driving habits based on that sign. However, I think they make sense for people who carry their kids on a bike! Drivers, at least in my city, seem to be enraged that I exercise my legal right to ride my bike in the street, and that rage sometimes blinds them to the fact that there is a kid on the bike.

Studies show that drivers give more space to women bicyclists than men and also, less space to bicyclists wearing helmets, so it's clear that drivers do make some sort of risk assessment with cyclists at least. Therefore, it makes perfect sense to me that they'd also be more careful if they're aware that there is a kid on the bike.

And in my own experience, since I put one on the back of my baby bike seat I feel that drivers are a little better behaved.

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'Baby on board' sticker in cars

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