1-Goebbels' responsibility, broadcasting the right view P????????? 2-Sports car given award, second behind Leon G?A? / ??????O 3-Strong suit F?? 4-Gentle pace wrong- great being lifted ??????T 5-Write up as phraseology, list showing party food ??????E / ???L 6-Tape put in order ???S???E 7-Not in general use OUT / OF / ?????????O? 8-Levels S???????? 9-Church office with income ?E?E?ING 10-RNA (plural) ?I?O??????? / A?I?S 11-Converting device T?A??????? 12-Feature of some fonts ??R?F 13-Subsidiary growth (botany) S?????O?S 14-_Violet; _elephant ????C?O 15-Amplifying motor S?R?O
1. Propaganda - proper gander
2. Gran Turisma - grant + (Leon) Uris + mo ( second)
3. Fit
4. dog trot - Tort (wrong) + God (great being) upwards
5. Sausage roll - as << + usage + roll
6. cassette - set inside caste