I belive the earth was origanly flat, then one day along came a sweed and the problem was solved, he designed a set of instructions that only God could understand and 7 days later the earth became round. Fantastic! Thank God God he went to IKEA. If he had gone to MFI Christopher would have sailed of the edge of the world because not even God can work out their instructions.
Curvature is an illusion due to the orbital shape of the eyeball. This illusion lead Columbus to believe he had sailed to the East Indies when in fact he sailed to the West Indies. This illusion also leads navigators to believe the shortest distance to another location is a Great Circle. Thanks to this widely held belief no one has yet sailed off the edge of the Earth; at least no one has come back from the abyss to inform us of its existence.
Based on curved space it's said that terrestial objects only appear to be round due to the vast size of them; which includes our planet of course. Based on that alone is the flat earth society.
OK, hardly 'Hi-Tech' but there lies the basic principle. Do I believe it's flat? Naaaaaaa.