really need help. is there any way you can make your breasts grow? i'm so sick of my flat chest. i feel like i always have to hide my chest when with people especially the guys. i'll be turning 17 soon by the way. my mom had always had small breasts so that does that mean i'll most likely get her size? does drinking milk actually make them grow faster? i know some people out there who have small breasts and they want bigger ones still but i have barely any breasts 30aa at my age. and i had my period when i was 14. please help
Breast size is genetically determined (not necessarily from your mother) so there is not an awful lot you can do to make them grow. I was a late developer so give it time. I think that going on the pill made mine bigger but I cant be sure.
are you very slim? I am, and am twice your age (plus)! and am quite petite in the boob dept. but have recently purchased some herbal tablets. Probably a money waster :(
don't worry about it, even though its easier said than done. i wasn't happy with mine until i got with mr miniN, and he tells me how perfectly proportioned i am. its proved i've changed as a few weeks ago when i changed my pill my boobs grew (quick alot) and i was quite worried about it, thankfully it was only temporary! be proud to be a bit different! just think, no saggy boobs or back ache.
i'm sure as you get older you will feel differently and will come to love what you've got. x
Being of the larger chested variety, is it necessary to be derogatory about large breasts in order to get your point across?? Yes small breasts are nice, but so are large ones (which do not have to be saggy or give you backache!!). I love my 'mega boobs' in all seasons including summer.