It has had its present meaning - of feeling almost recklessly joyful/elated - since the 16th century. Various explanations have been offered as to the source of the phrase. One is that the cock (ie a tap) was removed from a liquor barrel and laid on the barrel's hoop, thus allowing the alcohol to flow freely. After a period of such drinking, which must have been a bit like the tourists you see with wine-skins in Spain, one probably WOULD be cock-a-hoop!
As it means joyful and boasting, it could easily be explained by the image of a cockerel crowing while on top of a hoop (corn barrel) but there is another explanation - that the word comes from France, where the 'huppe' is a cock's comb, which sits up proudly when the cock is crowing or is excited. Coq a huppe ..or (houppe)