Neither answer is wrong ... or complete (this isn't either!)
but .... look round at your options .... adobe's own "protection" is reasonable ... but not supported by any government. 1jul01-pdf-encryption.txt .....
Dedicated progs such as Truecrypt, PGP etc are front ends to accepted methods and algorythms and thus strength of encryption they offer (aes, cast5, blowfish two fish etc etc) ....
(the difference tends to be in the front end - file, container or partition encryption .... so given that you chose one of the mainstream packages using mainstream standards your question is a fair one.
aes encryption is cleared by the pentagon for information classified as "secret" - 256 is up to "top secret"
but It's not uncrackable .... the question is - how important is the info? and .... are you worth the effort (and time) required to crack it?
I'd say PDF is a useful cross platform method of sharing information Use it for what it is - a password will hinder bur Elcom sell a PDF unlocker which works quick and well
when you consider encryption ... is it for your storage needs .... or selective sharing?
and is hinderance enough or do you need something stronger?
and remember in all cases the longer the password ... the harder it is for a casual thief to crack.