I have no idea what to do about this situation. I have met a very nice man, nothing heavy and we have been fine. During a conversation he says he feels I have used him!
He has completely misread me and has shut down and basically discarded me. What should I do (I haven't used him!)
Should I bother trying to sort it out or do you think he is using as a way out?
I'm sorry to hear about this, I would say from what you have put that he is using it as a way out and trying to make himself feel and look better by saying it's you.
I wouldn't bother any further with him, as if he has decided to just discard you like this without talking further and giving you the chance to explain and understand why he feels this way, then he isn't worth your time and effort.
Hope you don't think I am sounding callous and I hope your not feeling too upset by what has happened. good luck with what you decide :o)
Depends how he thinks you have used him, if you want to try and sort it out, put your cards on the table, tell him you don't feel you have and get to the root of why he thinks you have. If it's something you can both deal with and move on then great, if not then it's his problem not yours! If he wants you, he'll come round in time. If not, his loss!
I'll wager that someone else has had a hand in this, a friend who has made him look at something (i have no idea what mind) in a different way and he has agreed.
If it was me i would want to get to the root of the problem, may make no difference to the fact that i will tell him to get stuffed when i do like.
Give the guy a miss! sounds like he could be high maintenance. What sort of bloke lands something like that on you then leaves the relationship with no further explaination. Especially when you havent a clue what he's on about.
way out !! if u know deep down u have not used him forget it , he sounds weak and trying to make u feel like crap , move on storm , u deserve better !!!
If it was me i would think he's doin it to get your attention. My bf pulled a simular stunt finishin with me n noin id cummin runnin bk to him, n its bin the best thing ive ever done!! just chase him for a bit n c wat he says n if his mind dont change go find some one better that deserves ur company xxx