Fair point, Fingerprint..........
Sorry this is all a bit after the fact but I've been away from my computer.........
In summary.........it is usually 'those of faith' who have a negative opinion on (I'm sorry, I haven't found out yet how to make my words in Bold Typeface) Homosexuality, Adultery, etc.
The point IS they have a right to their point of view. But they have an external point of view of MY life. If I write that my life and my love has value...... but their views carry equal weight to mine ?!?
No, that I cannot allow.................
I would be sad to see anyone leave this list..........and I enjoy a good debate as much as the next person...............but to concede that there is a particular 'sect' of Christians who would give me absolute, unquestioned acceptance is a nonsense..........there is a club with rules and I transgess those rules, therefore no matter how pretzel-like they are altered, CANNOT admit me.
I strongly object to this 'view' being reinforced from an early age, in the same way that I object to all indoctrination. It is not the education system's job to turn out clones.
Surely, as the original question asks, the education system should be geared up to the great imponderables.......... Who, When, How, Where and Why with no partisan input ?