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Thanks for the response missrandom, I take it that you are getting the run around from your GP - you just need to keep going back. My son has been okay, but does mention having a sore tummy from time to time, but I think that he is making it up sometimes to get out of eating or doing things that he doesn't want to do, but it is hard to tell sometimes! I suspect, given his performance about having to go to school today, that he is having bother with some of the kids at school. He says that none of the children like him. According to his teacher, he is popular in the class and has always been very confident. He is however a bit "mouthy", so i can well imagine that he is upsetting some of his classmates. We will have to see how he gets on today. I am not saying that he is isn't having sore tummys, because he was almost bent double in pain with it and even didn't want to play on the computer (his favourite activity), so I am certain that it was genuine, however, i think that he is getting stressed at school and that this is making things worse.