Hi pitstopbunny, Getting lighted is a bit of an aquired knack but after a while you will get the hang of it and will feel very proud of yourself!
Before putting the charcoal on put plenty of kindling down first to give you a head start, I find shredded paper very useful, screwit up then fluff it up to leave plenty of air spaces inbetween. some thin splintered wood will catch easily too. Put only a little charcoal over the kindling at first, til you feel sure it's started to catch, fanning with a piece of cardboard to cause a draught will help, facing the oppening into the wind helps too.
Gradually add more charcoal, you will notice lots of whte smoke at first but dont worry this will soon pass.
When it's burnt down to glowing embers with a white ash and no more smoke, thats perfect to start cooking on.
Personally, I avoid using fire lighters or flamerble fluids as it taints the food and the smell quickly gets rid of my appetite.
Fatty things like burgers and sausages tend to drip on the coals and it can get a little smokey but if you can cook a corn cob without burning it or a steak thats Not only suitable tor resole your boots then you've done good!
Good Luck Tbird+