I brought my washing in from the garden and when i emptied the basket there was a flea in it. where from?? i have no pets. I got rid of it back outside, and checked my house, nothing. Do they live in the garden. Oh and i had just cut my grass!
Please help as i am not too keen on going back in the garden, especially to hang out my washing :(
Little fleas have bigger fleas upon their backs to bite them !
Seriously... the weather has been so dry they are rife .
You will have fleas in grass and gardens pets or no pets. This is where our pets pick up them in the parks etc. If you are worried about getting them in the house a good spray round with a household flea killer should do the trick.
Could be from a neighbours cat or even a visiting hedgehog. Are you sure it was a flea? They jump very quickly. You did well to catch the little b*gger to put it outside - I think I would have flushed it down the sink or cracked it between my nails, putting it back out means it will be waiting for another ride in.