Can any quizmailers help with hint (not answer!) to number 35? Nobody else seems to be struggling with this, but I am! Thought it looked like WH in WMCJ, but am sure his hair was short in that film and costume looks a little dated. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Happy to trade for any answers I already have! Cheers. Kavala
Thanks for that, Doooh!! I had just come back on site to say I had not read the question properly, I don't do the pictures till last as I usually run off the questions from the QM site. I get pics when I see another team member, so am not yet up to number 55, will come back if I get it, thanks.
Don't know if your clues came through or not, but I think that 55 just may be a man who no longer does stand up but makes guest appearances on Countdown (as he has an Irish name, there's a double clue there!) For 57 I can't think it could be any other than the beautiful 'pirate's' girl, she's not much older and hasn't changed a lot. I've got news about 56, if it's who I think it is, he hasn't changed that much either! Hope this helps.