Please can anyone help me, I have been having this problem for about a year now and its ticking me off. I have adware, Avast, Spybot and some other programmes but my pc keeps on turning itself off and restarting. This happened before I had the other programmes on it and I thought these other ones would sort it but I cant even finish the checking. I also have registry fix and that works but I keep getting this message everytime the pc is turned on "SmartBridge Alerts: MotiveSB.exe - Entry Point Not Found The procedure entry point GetProcessImageFileNameW could not be located inthe dynamic link library PSAPI.DLL " dont know if this means something to anyone. Please help !!!!!!!
Well what i would do format the hard drive dont reinstall Avast i had probs with that not the same but my pc didnt like it, only install the software that you need and after installing one softeare do a defrag after each install you will find that it runs much faster aswell.
I'm guessing that some of your drivers are out of date, because if your pc was overheating you wouldnt get any errors, it would simply just shut down on you.
google the MotiveSB.exe file to see which program the file comes from and that may help with the problem.
I know a recent Windows update threw alot of drivers off as my uncle had trouble with his Sony Viao Lappy with the same issue.