Sorry, I didn't make that very clear puzzlemaniac. Kayakamina, Unless some bright spark comes up with an alternative I too shall plump for whear, but I wonder if there is a misprint in the clue, it wouldn't be the first time. We shall just have to wait and see.
Regards Judy
I certainly put 'whear' in on the same basis as K. It is, of course, a variant of 'where' and I assumed - though could find no justification - that 'dove' (presumably pronounced doh-vay) was somehow a Latin word for 'where' as well as 'ubi, qua' etc.
Having ploughed through my 40 year old Latin dictionary (knew it would come in useful one day) I could find no link between "dove" or "where" According to Bradfords, hawkish is warlike, insert "he" so whear it must be. Anyway my effort has been popped into the post box tonight.
Kind regards
So I wasn't too far out with my guess about 'dove' (doh-vay) meaning 'where' in that part of the world, albeit I did not have it in the right time-frame!